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Our Story

Our Story


Where it all began...


Nestled in the Welsh Valleys, beavering away as a dog trainer, Ryan Gibson was becoming increasingly frustrated at the lack of quality long lines he could recommend to his clients. 

After a long day he came home and began research in his quest to source the best, grippy, light weight long line only to find he could find none! 

Being the innovative and creative genius young man Ryan is, he began testing materials and methods of making long lines for his clients in need. 

After many months of trials he emerged triumphant with the perfect long line formula which still stands to this day. 

Ultragrip material constructed from lightweight polypropylene with soft, comfortable rubber latex woven through to produce the ultimate grip that holds up to the worst of the Welsh weather. 

His clients were overjoyed with their new long lines and although Ryan tried to keep it Wales' best secret, the word soon got out. Word of his wonderous long lines began to travel far and wide, and soon whispers of The Long Line Guy were the breadth of the country. 

Houndagrips was born!

Soon Ryan was inundated with orders from desperate dog owners, and even fellow dog trainers and walkers in need of a supply of superior long lines for their businesses. 

Nowadays, still nestled in the beautiful Welsh Valleys Houndagrips is no longer a fledgling venture. In 2021 it acquired its own home and has a catalogue of training lines and leads for all needs, supplying dog owners, businesses and charities around the world.  

However, you will still find Ryan, singing away with a black coffee at the sewing machine most mornings, supplying the world with long lines.